I have processed for a lot of years why God has made me the way he has. I have a rather silly spirit and deeply, deeply love and resonate with a playful soul. My favorite movie of all time is “Finding Neverland.” I highly recommend it. It’s a story about J.M. Barrie’s life in creating Peter Pan. I’ve watched it a dozen times and often by myself. It really inspires me. I watched it today even. It’s full of imagination and silliness with a real-life element of how the beloved story came to be. I just love it. Anyway. One of my favorite lines in it is between Peter and Barrie.
Peter Llewelyn Davies: [as a preface to his play] This is just a bit of silliness, really.
J.M. Barrie: I should hope so. Do go on.
Silliness is not always the most cheered on personality trait in the adult world I have found, and I had often felt like the older I got I didn’t fit, honestly. I have wrestled with what purpose the Lord has in using it or losing it altogether, but also trying to honor God well as I play, giggle, and grow. Well I’m 5’1 so no one is growing anymore, but you understand. 😉 It really all came together recently in a verse I have grown up reading hundreds of times. Mark 10:14 “But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the little children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” You can see things that unfold in your life as to why you are the way you are. There are things in my life that God has given me to do or people to know that’s made it clear as to why God has made me the way he has, yet this is one of those areas I had wrestled with until I leaned into that beautiful verse. Which has nothing to do with the way God made me, by the way, and everything to do with the way he is by nature subsequently finding my nature in his and then growing in maturity as I play! Children loved being around Jesus. If you stop and think about it for a second, which I have so often, you have to consider what kind of personality Jesus must have had if children wanted to be around him. I think we forget this so often. That Jesus had a personality. It must have meant he wasn’t just some super serious about everything old dude, walking around just frustrated with everyone. I don’t know if you have been around kids, but children don’t really like to be around that guy. “Oh you’re a frowny, crusty, old, grump ya you’re my kind of guy!” Said no kid ever. Kids tend to avoid that kind of adult, but they were drawn to Jesus and apparently it was such a problem to the disciples that they decided Jesus didn’t have that kind of time.
The kingdom belongs to those with childlike faith. Here’s the big moment though ok, don’t miss this, it’s NOT to be confused with childish faith. Childlike faith. This is the HUGE distinction that has given me confidence that the way God made me is not a mistake it’s a blessing. It just has a key distinction in the execution of my faith. Childish behavior is what we try to train out of children and is never delighted or celebrated in as an adult, ever. Childlikeness, however, is celebrated and I hope never to never lose it as an adult.
So what’s the childlikeness that is celebrated? Why is it important?
Ultimately, because it’s how we enter the kingdom of God.
- An admission of neediness and dependency. Tell me you don’t feel the weight in whatever you’re doing do be perfect. Or maybe the opposite you think you have it all together and you’re crushing it? A. My God doesn’t grow tired or weary and isn’t weak. We are. B. Admitting that we are in need and can’t “do it all” is honored when we bring it to our Father and admit our need to him. It’s his great joy that we bring our burdens and limits before him to tend to.
- Wonder. Oh it’s such a beautiful thing to be in wonder of the of the Father. Wonder leads to pursuit. Always. Children are not afraid to keep pushing boundaries to discover places they’ve never been. They don’t let fear override their sense of exploration. I want to always keep that sense of exploration and wonderment of God. I haven’t reached the end of him and I have so much more of him to discover.
- Curiosity. Curiosity can be such a healthy attribute for us. Here’s what I mean. It’s the curiosity like a little kid which keeps us from assuming we know what’s happening inside other people and even inside the plot twists of our own lives. It’s easy to get offended or come to conclusions if we assume, but curiosity seeks out and doesn’t assume or accuse. Remember, “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:4) Refusing to assume, to accuse, or judge like little children, but humble ourselves, is the ultimate key to greatness.
- Trust above fear. Childlikeness doesn’t mean we become irresponsible or neglect what we should be doing. Childlikeness means we put trust above fear.
I have loved digging into this topic over the years and will continue to. I’m praying that as you and I grow up in maturity we become more like a child in their likeness as is honoring to the Lord. I hope to always hold onto silliness and playfulness as my life and story unfolds. To know my need, to wonder, to be curious, and to trust him before I fear or follow the world. To be one that brings joy and laughter into a hard day, not in ignorance of real pain, but in a deep desire God has wired in me to bring joy into a painful space. In an honoring, glorifying, Godly sense I hope I will always have a childlike spirit.
I hope you have a wonder-filled rest of your week my friends. Thanks for being here!
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